The weather was AWESOME this weekend, so Saturday morning we decided to take advantage of it and head to the West Glen Farmers' Market (last one of the season, sad). We walked around, tried a couple of smoothies from Fuel, and got Harry ready for ISU football season. Nice little Saturday :) We redboxed (yep that's a verb now) Death at a Funeral (funny!) that night and I whipped up a sweet tea vodka/sparkling lemonade mix to sip on while watching. Yummy and refreshing for a summer drink.
I've gotta go give my full attention to the Emmys so I will end w/ some pics! Happy Sunday!
What We Did This Weekend
August 26, 2010
Here's another quick recipe we found and LOVE for beef enchiladas. You can find the recipe here. I didn't take pictures of the entire process, but prior to this first one you will preheat the oven and cook your ground beef (DUH). I add Old El Paso taco seasoning to my ground beef so it's not as plain.
OK try not to judge this pic by how it looks.....not appetizing right? Don't be fooled though it is DELISH! After your meat has been cooked mix it with the softened cream cheese and enchilada sauce.
Fill your tortilla with the meat mixture and top with a little bit of shredded Mexican blend cheese. I am not good at wrapping these so I found this handy tutorial.
After you're done wrapping, top with some more enchilada sauce and shredded cheese. I use the medium sized tortillas and it makes 7 enchiladas.
Side note: I am kind of a weenie when it comes to spicy stuff so instead of the half can of just enchilada sauce I mix mine w/ tomato sauce too to tone it down a little (1/4 can enchilada & 1/4 can tomato sauce). But if you like spicy GO FOR IT! :)
August 24, 2010
We had a pretty low key weekend, the highlight being our friend Andrew's wedding. It was a beautiful wedding and reception, and lots of fun catching up with old friends. I also made an AWESOME discovery at Dahl's last week. They are now carrying Dinkey Wheat from Olde Main Brewery in Ames! YAY! The Dinkey was the little trolley that used to run all over Ames back in the day. When I was at ISU there was talk about reinstating it someday, but I haven't heard anything about it in a while. I think it would be a pretty cool idea! Here are a few pics from the weekend:

August 15, 2010
Lately I've been feeling like we are in a recipe rut around here, sticking to the same staples on rotation for dinners. I found some new recipes to try, so be looking for more food posts and our reviews!
First up, mini meatball sandwiches from The Pioneer Woman. She has some AWESOME recipes for everything from dinner to dessert to snacks. I've never tried a recipe from her site that I haven't loved. These were no exception. B is a big fan of meatball sandwiches, so he was all over them. They were pretty tasty.....and easy to make too. Here's the link to the recipe:
One of the best things about this recipe is that you can use your favorite pre-made Marinara sauce instead of making your own. I used this Bertolli organic one. It's our fave.
First up, mini meatball sandwiches from The Pioneer Woman. She has some AWESOME recipes for everything from dinner to dessert to snacks. I've never tried a recipe from her site that I haven't loved. These were no exception. B is a big fan of meatball sandwiches, so he was all over them. They were pretty tasty.....and easy to make too. Here's the link to the recipe:
August 13, 2010
B introduced me to this video today. SO funny.
August 11, 2010
Yesterday was my 26th b'day! :) Pretty good day overall, the work peeps had a treat day for me, got some cute flowers at work from B, and had a nice dinner at the Radish. Here's a few highlights!
Birthday flowers from B, notice the cute candles on the vase. He did good!
August 8, 2010
This week, I tried a couple of new (for me) restaurants around town, Mullets and Jethro's.
Mullets had a big write up in the Datebook last week, so the work ladies and I ventured out to lunch there last Wednesday. After a few problems trying to find it (We thought the cute fish on a pole could be spotted from miles away. Not so much.), we finally made it and were pleasantly surprised. This spot sits on the river, caddycorner to Principal Park. There are a couple of decks for nicer days, and the menu is pretty big and includes breakfast. It was hoppin' when we stopped in for lunch around noon.
Hillbilly Iced Tea....made even better by the fact that it's served in a Ball jar!
My sauce of choice. Duh.
Mullets had a big write up in the Datebook last week, so the work ladies and I ventured out to lunch there last Wednesday. After a few problems trying to find it (We thought the cute fish on a pole could be spotted from miles away. Not so much.), we finally made it and were pleasantly surprised. This spot sits on the river, caddycorner to Principal Park. There are a couple of decks for nicer days, and the menu is pretty big and includes breakfast. It was hoppin' when we stopped in for lunch around noon.
B and I headed over to Jethro's Friday night for some BBQ. I had driven by this place over by Drake tons of times but never actually stopped in. We got there around 6:30 and there was not a space to be had in the parking lot, which is always a good sign! It's a sports bar atmosphere, and when we were there the crowd was mostly families. B got the 2 meat dinner with brisket and pulled pork and I got the single meat dinner with only brisket. We both agreed that the pulled pork was GREAT, as were the sides (Um white cheddar mac and cheese...HELLO?!!), but the brisket was probably something we would never get again. The cuts were thick and really fatty, not the best. I did however love the fact that there was a drink called the Hillbilly Iced Tea on the menu (Sweet Tea vodka & Lemonade). It was also nice that they had such a variety of sauces on the table, all in cute little honey bears.

I think it's safe to say that I would definitely make return trips to both these spots! :) Thumbs up!
August 3, 2010

I'm actually pretty proud of myself because I am NOT a runner. At ALL. Basically C25K ramps you up to being able to run a 5K from running nothing at all (hence the COUCH) in a 9 week program, 3 days a week, using intervals of running and walking. Here's a breakdown of Week 1 for ya'll who have no idea what I mean.
Week 1
Day1-Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.
Day 2-Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.
Day 3-Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.
I downloaded podcasts for C25k from Nicole's blog at She is AWESOME and made up these podcasts (for *FREE*) which include the 5 minute warm up at the beginning and have prompts on when to switch from running to walking. Otherwise, I'm not sure how I would keep up with the timing.
So to wrap things up , here are my goals for Week 2:
1. Go shopping for some running shoes, the New Balances aren't cutting it anymore. :(
2. Try to limit my random yelling and cursing out loud at the computer voice giving me the prompts to start running again. Who only I can hear. Which causes some awkward looks from people.
3. Avoid being acosted by the old man in the garden homes across the street who thought I was a member of his landscaping service. (Really sir? I *know* you saw me when I started running up the trail)
**Has anyone out there got any tips for me on C25k or on some good running shoes? Would love any feedback!**
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