So Tulip Time was kind of a bust on Friday. The temperature was *maybe* 50 degrees, damp, and windy. BLAH. You could tell it was a bad day when the line for the bakery was not out the door and down the street. Lucky for me I guess!
On Saturday B and I headed down to KC to the Plaza for the night. The weather was gorgeous and it was really nice to be outside and relax. We shopped, ate dinner at Fiorella's Jack Stack BBQ (B's fave) , and then went on a carriage ride! And I may or may not have gotten a new Coach purse out of the deal ( thanks B and Harry). Shopping pics will come later!

B and I in our carriage. I opted for the open air one instead of making B ride in Cinderella's pumpkin. Maybe next time?

So pretty. I love all the courtyards and flowers.

It's our horse Bailey! Who also crapped in the middle of the street on our ride! How romantic!

Final shot w/ Bailey the horse. Thanks Cowboy Mike for your photography skills!